Service Cores

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Service Cores

Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources

The Indiana CTSI Research Service Cores and Resources are your aid to locate instrumentation and services suited to your research. A listing of a Core’s capabilities, contact information, and website address can be found by clicking their ‘Learn More’ button. All of the Designated Service Cores are eligible for CTSI Core Pilot grants and Post-Doc grants
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Purdue University

Designated Service Core

Biological Evaluation (BE-SR)

The Biological Evaluation Shared Resource performs highly customizable efficacy testing of novel drug or therapies for antitumor activity. We also acquire blood or tissues for pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic analyses.

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IU Indianapolis

Designated Service Core

In Vivo Therapeutics Core (IVT)

The In Vivo Therapeutics Core (IVTC) supports the research and development of safe and more efficacious drug treatment. The IVTC provides cost-effective and comprehensive services including, but not limited to, on-site breeding facilities as well as a numerous in vivo pharmacology models to facilitate the development and testing of novel pharmacological & cellular therapies.

|2024-04-25T13:56:05-04:00April 25th, 2024|Comments Off on Service Cores

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